Now that has changed!
Junior Chafetz Chaim is an easy-to-understand English adaptation of
Sefer Chafetz Chaim that sticks as closely as possible to the actual words of the holy Chafetz Chaim. Tweens and teens can now study the Chafetz Chaim's monumental work, the way he himself wrote it, organized it, and presented it...and they can comprehend it as well! Adults, too, will benefit from the "lite" presentation of the complex
halachos in
Sefer Chafetz Chaim.
• Arranged according to the popular, two-halachos-a-day calendar of Rav Yehuda Zev Segal zt"l.
• Includes callout boxes such as "Zoom In," "Good Point," "Words of Wisdom," and "Amazing Fact," to pique the interest of the reader, also all directly based on the Chafetz Chaim's own words and explanations.
• Includes "Examples" section, which brings each halachah to life in a contemporary, age-appropriate story. (This is the only part of the page that does not come straight from Sefer Chafetz Chaim.)
• Enthusiastically endorsed and recommended by rabbanim, rabbeim, teachers, and parents. Kid-tested and approved!
"There is no family in the world that studies the laws of shemiras halashon and has not seen some sort of yeshuah in their lives."